Linguistics 522
Lecture 8
V Movement
V Movement has been proposed in two forms.
First General V Movement:
- John [Infl e ] [VP annoy me].
- John [Infl annoy ] [VP me].
This takes any verb and moves it into
Infl. The agreement feature present in Infl would
then force the verb to be realized as the third
person singular form (in this case annoys).
In this class we don't assume General V movement.
We assume V movement for auxiliaries,
which is to say, for have and be,
the only auxiliaries which don't start
out in Infl.
Note first of all that have
and be cannot start in Infl
in general, because they can occur
when Infl is filled:
- John [Infl may] have left.
- John [Infl may] be leaving.
- John [Infl may] have been leaving
- I want John [Infl to] have left.
- I want John [Infl to] be leaving.
- I want John [Infl to] have been leaving
This is unlike other things that start out in Infl, which cannot
occur when Infl is filled:
- *John may can leave.
- *John may do leave.
- *John does may leave.
- *John wants to can leave.
This being the case we may assume one of two
things, either something like the Emonds
analysis for have and be, which
we all argued for so persuasively in the midterm:
John [Infl may] [V''
[V' have [V''
[V'left ]]]]
Or the Aux specifier analysis [used in the textbook
in examples like (68), p. 425]. For this
example that looks like:
John [Infl may]
[VP [Aux have] [V'
left ]]
Footnote for the Aux junkies. One advantage
of the Emonds analysis
is that it accounts naturally
for examples like:
John [Infl may] [V''
[V' have [V''
[V' been [V''leaving ]]]]]
Do you see the problem this poses for the
Aux specifier analysis?
The problem with double specifiers?
Be that as it may, we will accept
either analysis. Pick
your fav on assignments. In these
I will use the Emonds analysis.
So on a V-movement analysis, have and be start
out in V'' and get moved to Infl when it is empty. They
then receive agreement features. For example:
Consider facts like these:
- John [Infl will] not play football.
- * John [Infl will] play not football.
- John [Infl does] not play football.
- John wants [Infl to] not play football.
On the basis of these facts we can tentatively
conclude that not
should follow whatever is in Infl. In particular,
it can't follow any ordinary verb.
But note that not can follow either
have or be:
- John has not played football.
- John is not playing footbnall.
- John has not been playing football.
We can account for these facts very
simply if we continue to claim
that not must immediately
follow Infl, but that verb
V-movement may move have
and be in front of not. For example:
Consider facts like these, which we have seen before:
- John [Infl will] probably play football.
- * John [Infl will] play probably football.
These examples are
here as a reminder that a sentence adverb like probably
can follow whatever is in Infl. Being a sentence
adverb it must be dominated by S. In particular,
it can't occur between an ordinary verb and its complements,
which would put it in V'.
But note that probably can follow either
have or be:
- John has probably played football.
- John is probably playing footbnall.
- John has probably been playing football.
- * John has been probably playing football.
We can account for these facts very
simply if we continue to claim
that probably must immediately
follow Infl, but that verb
V-movement may move have
and be in front of probably. For example:
For a more elaborate argument,
we next look at the phenomenon of Have contraction:
- I have played tennis all summer.
- I've played tennis all summer.
- You/they/we have played tennis all summer.
- You/they/we 've played tennis all summer.
- He/she has played tennis all summer.
- He/she 's played tennis all summer.
Singular and plural forms of have both
contract after certain pronouns.
We will assume there two conditions:
- Contraction to pronominal subject (I, you, we, he, she,they, etc.).
- Not across gap.
We've illustrated the working of
the first condition.
AS to the second, consider what is called gapping:
- I could have been playing tennis and you could have been playing football.
- I could have been playing tennis and you Ø football.
- I could have played tennis and you Ø have played football.
- * I could have played tennis and you Ø 've played football.
The second condition accounts for the ungrammaticality
of the last sentence. If we assume there is
a gap (denoted Ø) marking the site of the omitted
material in gapped sentences, then
the second principle predicts that
contraction isn't possible in such sentences.
Now consider our verb movement case:
John [Infl e] [V''
[V' have [V''
[V' been [V''leaving ]]]]]
=> [Contraction blocked because of e]
=> [V-Movement]
John [Infl has] [V''
[V' [V''
[V' been [V''leaving ]]]]]]
=> [Contraction okay now]
John [Infl 's] [V''
[V' [V''
[V' been [V''leaving ]]]]]]
I Movement
This is a transformation that used to
be called Subject Auxiliary Inversion:
John has played tennis
Has John played tennis?
John did go
Did John go?
The first question is: Why do this with a movement
rule? Why not generate the auxiliaries
in alternative ways? For example, let the base
component (X-bar theory and the lexicon) generate
the aux at the front of the sentence.
The second question is why generate the Aux in
Comp position?
Why posit a movement transformation? One reason: There is always
one finite auxiliary:
We explain this fact if inverted forms
are created by movement, that is,
if they leave behind an empty
Infl that can't be refilled.
Another reaons is morphological dependency.
The verb forms following auxiliaries
are constrained:
- Modals:
- John may go.
- * John may going.
- * John may gone.
- Have:
- John has gone.
- * John has going.
- * John has go.
- Be:
- John is sleeping.
- * John is slept.
- * John is sleep
Exactly the same dependencies hold for inverted forms
- Modals:
- May John go?
- * May John going?
- * May John gone?
- Have:
- Has John gone?
- * Has John going?
- * Has John go?
- Be:
- Is John sleeping?
- * Is John slept?
- * Is John sleep?
Get the same form you
get after modal/have/be
whether or not inversion
has happened.
This "coincidence" is explained
if the dependencies of what verb form can follow
an auxiliary are determined
at D-structure, and I-movement
(subject-auxiliary inversion)
happens later.
At some level,
direct and indirect questions
look alike.
- Can John go?
- D-structure [Comp e ] John [Infl can ] go
- Betty wonders whether John can go.
- D-structure Bettey wonders [Comp whether] John [Infl can ] go
The difference between the two kinds of comp at D-structure is
boils down to whether Comp is filled or not.
We capture their underlying uniformity.
Why land
in Comp?
The argument for landing in Comp position is first of all purely descriptive.
Comp position is the right place, right at the front of
the S-bar. But there's also a more compelling argument,
namely that inversion and complementizers are in
complementary distribution. You never get
the two together, even when the opportunity
- Comp filled: John wondered whether Mary would come.
- Inversion : John wondered would Mary come?
- Inversion and
Comp filled : * John wondered whether would Mary come?
If inversion can only happen when comp is empty, because
inversion means moving into an empty comp
position, this is explained.