LING 525 Semantics & Pragmatics: Polysemy Assignment

Each of the BNC examples below contains a token of the word cup. For each of the examples, decide which of the three senses of cup discussed in class is being used. You may refer to the senses as sense 1, sense 2, and sense 3.
  1. A trophy prototypically made of metal awarded to the victor of a competition.
  2. A drinking vessel standardly made of china or earthenware.
  3. A drinking vessel, usually made of plastic or paper but possibly made of something else.
If the usage is metaphorical or metonymic, say so, and if it is metonymic, explain what is actually being referred to by the word cup. If the example uses a new sense that is not one of the three discussed in class, say so, and identify the new sense with a brief phrase (for example, "This is the athletic equipment sense of cup."). After all the examples, list any new senses you found, providing a brief definition.

If you find examples that show senses 2 and 3 should not be distinguished, say so. These will be examples that are vague between the two senses. If you find evidence that they should be distinguished, say so. These might be examples in which cup is contrasted with another word, but in a way that highlights only sense 2 or only sense 3. For example, we can argue that short has two senses because it contrasts, in different contexts, with tall and long.

100. In_PRP the_AT0 end_NN1 I_PNP decide_VVB to_TO0 get_VVI a_AT0 big_AJ0 cup_NN1 of_PRF coffee_NN1 and_CJC a_AT0 jam_NN1 doughnut_NN1 ._.

191. 36_CRD pre-cooked_AJ0 pastry_NN1 cocktail_NN1 cases_NN2 25g/1oz_UNC dried_AJ0 mushrooms_NN2 25g/1oz_UNC butter_NN1 1_CRD clove_NN1 garlic_NN1 ,_, crushed_AJ0/VVD pinch_NN1 mace_NN1 25g/1oz_UNC flour_NN1 2/3_UNC cup_NN1 soured_AJ0/VVD cream_AJ0/NN1 2_CRD eggs_NN2 ,_, separated_VVD

184. Sprinkle_VVB the_AT0 yeast_NN1 over_PRP the_AT0 water_NN1 in_PRP a_AT0 cup_NN1 and_CJC leave_VVB to_TO0 stand_VVI for_PRP afew_DT0 minutes_NN2 in_PRP a_AT0 warm_AJ0 place_NN1 before_PRP stirring_VVG to_TO0 completely_AV0 dissolve_VVI the_AT0 yeast_NN1 ._.

191. 36 pre-cooked pastry cocktail cases 25g/1oz dried mushrooms 25g/1oz butter 1 clove garlic , crushed pinch mace 25g/1oz flour 125ml/5fl oz/&frac23 cup soured cream 2 eggs , separated

230. But_CJC consider_VVB how_AVQ He_PNP was_VBD heard_VVN :_: certainly_AV0 not_XX0 by_PRP having_VHG the_AT0 cup_NN1 taken_VVN away_AVP ,_, but_CJC in_PRP being_NN1 &hellip_... supported_VVD/VVN while_CJS He_PNP drank_VVD it_PNP ;_; and_CJC in_AVP/PRP victoriously_AV0 accomplishing_VVG His_DPS grand_AJ0 design_NN1 through_PRP drinking_VVG it_PNP to_PRP the_AT0 very_AJ0 dreg_NN1 ._. &equo_''

237. The_AT0 rabbi_NN1 explains_VVZ the_AT0 custom_NN1 by_PRP saying_VVG that_CJT Israel_NP0 's_POS cup_NN1 of_PRF joy_NN1 can_VM0 not_XX0 be_VBI full_AJ0 if_CJS her_DPS triumph_NN1 involves_NN2/VVZ suffering_NN1/VVG ,_, even_AV0 for_PRP her_DPS enemies_NN2 ._.

330. FOR_PRP those_DT0 who_PNQ say_VVB the_AT0 America_NP0 's_POS Cup_NN1 can_VM0 not_XX0 leave_VVI San_NP0 Diego_NP0 soon_AV0 enough_AV0 ,_, Gary_NP0 Jobson_NP0 ,_, the_AT0 American_AJ0 television_NN1 pundit_NN1 ,_, has_VHZ this_DT0 message_NN1 :_: &bquo_`` If_CJS the_AT0 defenders_NN2 '_POS final_AJ0 trial_NN1 is_VBZ between_PRP Dennis_NP0 Conner_NN1/NP0 and_CJC Bill_NP0 Koch_NP0 ,_, Conner_NN1/NP0 will_VM0 win_VVI and_CJC the_AT0 cup_NN1 will_VM0 stay_VVI in_PRP San_NP0 Diego_NP0 ._.

342. Complaining_VVG that_CJT a_AT0 recent_AJ0 photograph_NN1 showed_VVD him_PNP with_PRP an_AT0 unrecyclable_AJ0 styrofoam_NN1 coffee_NN1 cup_NN1 ,_, he_PNP denounced_VVD it_PNP as_CJS &bquo_`` politically_AV0 incorrect_AJ0 &equo_'' ._.

345. With_PRP the_AT0 first_ORD official_NN1 sevens_CRD world_NN1 cup_NN1 in_PRP Edinburgh_NP0 a_AT0 year_NN1 away_AV0 ,_, it_PNP is_VBZ clear_AJ0 that_CJT the_AT0 Fijians_NN2 ,_, who_PNQ have_VHB played_VVN together_AV0 in_PRP 14_CRD tournaments_NN2 already_AV0 this_DT0 season_NN1 ,_, will_VM0 be_VBI the_AT0 team_NN0 to_TO0 beat_VVI ._.

356. A_AT0 WHITE_AJ0 daffodil_NN1 with_PRP a_AT0 long_AJ0 cup_NN1 ,_, which_DTQ is_VBZ still_AV0 awaiting_VVG a_AT0 name_NN1 and_CJC which_DTQ was_VBD raised_VVN by_PRP Mr_NP0 Clive_NP0 Postle_NP0 ,_, has_VHZ won_VVN the_AT0 prize_NN1 for_PRP best_AJS bloom_NN1/VVB at_PRP this_DT0 week_NN1 's_VBZ Westminster_NP0 Flower_NN1/NP0 Show_NN1 of_PRF the_AT0 Royal_AJ0 Horticultural_AJ0/NN1 Society_NN0 ._.

406. The_AT0 gear_NN1 lever_NN1/VVB also_AV0 chatters_VVZ in_PRP its_DPS plastic_NN1 cup_NN1 ,_, if_CJS it_PNP has_VHZ not_XX0 been_VBN replaced_VVN try_VVB that_DT0 ._.

503. It_PNP is_VBZ better_AV0 for_PRP the_AT0 patient_AJ0/NN1 to_TO0 use_VVI a_AT0 shallow_AJ0 cup_NN1 ratherthan_PRP a_AT0 deeper_AJC mug_NN1 ,_, partly_AV0 to_TO0 prevent_VVI an_AT0 excessive_AJ0 fluid_AJ0/NN1 intake_NN1 ,_, and_CJC partly_AV0 because_CJS he_PNP may_VM0 have_VHI difficulty_NN1 in_PRP judging_VVG the_AT0 depth_NN1 of_PRF a_AT0 mug_NN1 and_CJC so_AV0 may_VM0 tend_VVI to_TO0 spill_VVI his_DPS drink_NN1 ._.

602. Jim_NP0 Leighton_NP0 ,_, a_AT0 product_NN1 of_PRF Johnstone_NP0 in_PRP Lanarkshire_NP0 ,_, established_VVD/VVN his_DPS reputation_NN1 with_PRP Aberdeen_NP0 where_AVQ/CJS he_PNP won_VVD league_NN1 and_CJC cup_NN1 medals_NN2 and_CJC was_VBD a_AT0 rock_NN1 solid_AJ0 member_NN1 of_PRF Aberdeen_NP0 's_POS European_AJ0/NN1 Cup_NN1 Winner_NP0 's_POS Cup_NN1 Team_NN0 ._.

622. Each_DT0 man_NN1 was_VBD issued_VVN with_PRP a_AT0 number_NN1 which_DTQ corresponded_VVD with_PRP a_AT0 seat_NN1 number_NN1 ,_, at_PRP which_DTQ was_VBD provided_VVN a_AT0 coffee_NN1 can_VM0 ,_, cup_NN1 and_CJC cooking_NN1/VVG tin_NN1 ,_, all_AV0 duly_AV0 numbered_VVD/VVN too_AV0 ._.

747. The_AT0 blades_NN2 rotate_VVB inside_PRP a_AT0 plastic_NN1 cup_NN1 ,_, so_CJS the_AT0 blender_NN1 can_VM0 even_AV0 be_VBI used_VVN in_PRP nonstick_NN1 kitchenware_NN1 ._.

753. Heat_NN1/VVB about_AV0 1/4_CRD cup_NN1 salad_NN1 oil_NN1 in_PRP a_AT0 large_AJ0 heavy_AJ0 frying_AJ0/NN1 pan_NN1 ._.

831. It_PNP 's_VHZ cramped_VVN if_CJS there_EX0 are_VBB four_CRD of_PRF you_PNP ,_, but_CJC the_AT0 atmosphere_NN1 is_VBZ very_AV0 friendly_AJ0 and_CJC relaxed_VVD &mdash_- neighbours_NN2 popping_VVG in_AVP to_TO0 borrow_VVI a_AT0 cup_NN1 of_PRF sugar_NN1 or_CJC a_AT0 50p_NN0 coin_NN1 for_PRP the_AT0 electricity_NN1 meter_NN1 ,_, children_NN2 running_VVG along_AVP/PRP the_AT0 balconies_NN2 or_CJC playing_VVG on_PRP the_AT0 thin_AJ0 strip_NN1 of_PRF grass_NN1 between_PRP the_AT0 blocks_NN2 ._.

843. the_AT0 silver-plated_AJ0 cup_NN1

1094. A_AT0 large_AJ0 washer_NN1 should_VM0 be_VBI fitted_VVN between_PRP the_AT0 mirror_NN1 and_CJC the_AT0 wall_NN1 (_( a_AT0 tap_NN1 washer_NN1 is_VBZ ideal_AJ0 )_) ,_, a_AT0 nylon_NN1 sleeve_NN1 put_VVD/VVN in_PRP the_AT0 hole_NN1 in_PRP the_AT0 mirror_NN1 ,_, and_CJC a_AT0 plastic_NN1 screw_NN1/VVB cup_NN1 placed_VVD/VVN under_PRP the_AT0 screw_NN1 head_NN1 to_TO0 protect_VVI the_AT0 mirror_NN1 ._.

1237. Megan_NN1/NP0 unpacked_VVD the_AT0 picnic_NN1 tea_NN1 and_CJC handed_VVD me_PNP a_AT0 plastic_NN1 cup_NN1 ._.

1328. All_DT0 appointees_NN2 have_VHB to_TO0 provide_VVI a_AT0 urine_NN1 sample_NN1 &mdash_- even_AV0 Pamela_NP0 Harriman_NP0 ,_, the_AT0 new_AJ0 ambassador_NN1 to_PRP Paris_NP0 ,_, had_VHD to_TO0 stand_VVI in_PRP line_NN1 ,_, clutching_VVG her_DPS paper_NN1 cup_NN1 &mdash_- and_CJC turn_VVB up_AVP for_PRP a_AT0 face-to-face_AJ0 interview_NN1 ,_, which_DTQ usually_AV0 lasts_CRD between_PRP one-and-a-half_CRD and_CJC two_CRD hours_NN2 ._.

1392. Lovable_AJ0 Includer_NN1/NP0 bra_NN1 with_PRP all-over_AJ0/NN1 padded_AJ0/VVD cup_NN1 plus_PRP inserts_NN2 and_CJC detachable_AJ0 straps_NN2 ._.

1549. With_PRP the_AT0 rim_NN1 of_PRF its_DPS cup_NN1 pressed_VVD/VVN against_PRP the_AT0 wall_NN1 ,_, the_AT0 earphone_NN1 gave_VVD Renwick_NP0 the_AT0 clear_AJ0 sound_NN1 of_PRF Lorna_NP0 's_POS dictation_NN1 ._.

1555. In_PRP the_AT0 very_AV0 first_ORD episode_NN1 I_PNP did_VDD ,_, we_PNP fitted_VVD that_CJT/DT0 onto_PRP a_AT0 wobbling_AJ0 camera_NN1 tracking_VVG in_AVP/PRP (_( today_AV0 you_PNP 'd_VM0 call_VVI it_PNP a_AT0 hand-held_AJ0 shot_NN1 )_) and_CJC ,_, togetherwith_PRP a_AT0 sucker_NN1 cup_NN1 sticking_VVG out_AVP into_PRP shot_NN1 ,_, it_PNP gave_VVD you_PNP an_AT0 impression_NN1 of_PRF the_AT0 thing_NN1 lumbering_VVG towards_PRP Barbara_NP0 down_AVP/PRP a_AT0 passage_NN1 ._.