LING2525 Semantics:Polysemy Assignment

100. In_PRP the_AT0 end_NN1 I_PNP decide_VVB to_TO0 get_VVI a_AT0 big_AJ0 cup_NN1 of_PRF coffee_NN1 and_CJC a_AT0 jam_NN1 doughnut_NN1 ._.

Sense 2.

191. 36_CRD pre-cooked_AJ0 pastry_NN1 cocktail_NN1 cases_NN2 25g/1oz_UNC dried_AJ0 mushrooms_NN2 25g/1oz_UNC butter_NN1 1_CRD clove_NN1 garlic_NN1 ,_, crushed_AJ0/VVD pinch_NN1 mace_NN1 25g/1oz_UNC flour_NN1 125ml/5fl_UNC oz/&frac23_UNC cup_NN1 soured_AJ0/VVD cream_AJ0/NN1 2_CRD eggs_NN2 ,_, separated_VVD

Amount sense. Not one of senses 1, 2, 3.

184. Sprinkle_VVB the_AT0 yeast_NN1 over_PRP the_AT0 water_NN1 in_PRP a_AT0 cup_NN1 and_CJC leave_VVB to_TO0 stand_VVI for_PRP afew_DT0 minutes_NN2 in_PRP a_AT0 warm_AJ0 place_NN1 before_PRP stirring_VVG to_TO0 completely_AV0 dissolve_VVI the_AT0 yeast_NN1 ._.

Sense 2 or 3. [The existence of such clearly vague examples provides evidence that senses 2 and 3 shouldn't be distinguished.] 191. 36 pre-cooked pastry cocktail cases 25g/1oz dried mushrooms 25g/1oz butter 1 clove garlic , crushed pinch mace 25g/1oz flour 125ml/5fl oz/&frac23 cup soured cream 2 eggs , separated AMT sense. Not one of senses 1, 2, 3.

230. But_CJC consider_VVB how_AVQ He_PNP was_VBD heard_VVN :_: certainly_AV0 not_XX0 by_PRP having_VHG the_AT0 cup_NN1 taken_VVN away_AVP ,_, but_CJC in_PRP being_NN1 &hellip_... supported_VVD/VVN while_CJS He_PNP drank_VVD it_PNP ;_; and_CJC in_AVP/PRP victoriously_AV0 accomplishing_VVG His_DPS grand_AJ0 design_NN1 through_PRP drinking_VVG it_PNP to_PRP the_AT0 very_AJ0 dreg_NN1 ._. &equo_''

Sense 2 or 3. 237. The_AT0 rabbi_NN1 explains_VVZ the_AT0 custom_NN1 by_PRP saying_VVG that_CJT Israel_NP0 's_POS cup_NN1 of_PRF joy_NN1 can_VM0 not_XX0 be_VBI full_AJ0 if_CJS her_DPS triumph_NN1 involves_NN2/VVZ suffering_NN1/VVG ,_, even_AV0 for_PRP her_DPS enemies_NN2 ._. Metaphorical use of sense 2 or 3 330. FOR_PRP those_DT0 who_PNQ say_VVB the_AT0 America_NP0 's_POS Cup_NN1 can_VM0 not_XX0 leave_VVI San_NP0 Diego_NP0 soon_AV0 enough_AV0 ,_, Gary_NP0 Jobson_NP0 ,_, the_AT0 American_AJ0 television_NN1 pundit_NN1 ,_, has_VHZ this_DT0 message_NN1 :_: &bquo_`` If_CJS the_AT0 defenders_NN2 '_POS final_AJ0 trial_NN1 is_VBZ between_PRP Dennis_NP0 Conner_NN1/NP0 and_CJC Bill_NP0 Koch_NP0 ,_, Conner_NN1/NP0 will_VM0 win_VVI and_CJC the_AT0 cup_NN1 will_VM0 stay_VVI in_PRP San_NP0 Diego_NP0 ._. Sense 1 342. Complaining_VVG that_CJT a_AT0 recent_AJ0 photograph_NN1 showed_VVD him_PNP with_PRP an_AT0 unrecyclable_AJ0 styrofoam_NN1 coffee_NN1 cup_NN1 ,_, he_PNP denounced_VVD it_PNP as_CJS &bquo_`` politically_AV0 incorrect_AJ0 &equo_'' ._. Sense 3 (demonstrating that a coffee cup does not have to be sense 2). 345. With_PRP the_AT0 first_ORD official_NN1 sevens_CRD world_NN1 cup_NN1 in_PRP Edinburgh_NP0 a_AT0 year_NN1 away_AV0 ,_, it_PNP is_VBZ clear_AJ0 that_CJT the_AT0 Fijians_NN2 ,_, who_PNQ have_VHB played_VVN together_AV0 in_PRP 14_CRD tournaments_NN2 already_AV0 this_DT0 season_NN1 ,_, will_VM0 be_VBI the_AT0 team_NN0 to_TO0 beat_VVI ._. Sense 1 356. A_AT0 WHITE_AJ0 daffodil_NN1 with_PRP a_AT0 long_AJ0 cup_NN1 ,_, which_DTQ is_VBZ still_AV0 awaiting_VVG a_AT0 name_NN1 and_CJC which_DTQ was_VBD raised_VVN by_PRP Mr_NP0 Clive_NP0 Postle_NP0 ,_, has_VHZ won_VVN the_AT0 prize_NN1 for_PRP best_AJS bloom_NN1/VVB at_PRP this_DT0 week_NN1 's_VBZ Westminster_NP0 Flower_NN1/NP0 Show_NN1 of_PRF the_AT0 Royal_AJ0 Horticultural_AJ0/NN1 Society_NN0 ._. Open hemispherical shaped object sense. Not one of senses 1, 2, 3. 406. The_AT0 gear_NN1 lever_NN1/VVB also_AV0 chatters_VVZ in_PRP its_DPS plastic_NN1 cup_NN1 ,_, if_CJS it_PNP has_VHZ not_XX0 been_VBN replaced_VVN try_VVB that_DT0 ._. Open hemispherical shaped object sense. Not one of senses 1, 2, 3. 503. It_PNP is_VBZ better_AV0 for_PRP the_AT0 patient_AJ0/NN1 to_TO0 use_VVI a_AT0 shallow_AJ0 cup_NN1 ratherthan_PRP a_AT0 deeper_AJC mug_NN1 ,_, partly_AV0 to_TO0 prevent_VVI an_AT0 excessive_AJ0 fluid_AJ0/NN1 intake_NN1 ,_, and_CJC partly_AV0 because_CJS he_PNP may_VM0 have_VHI difficulty_NN1 in_PRP judging_VVG the_AT0 depth_NN1 of_PRF a_AT0 mug_NN1 and_CJC so_AV0 may_VM0 tend_VVI to_TO0 spill_VVI his_DPS drink_NN1 ._. Ambiguous between sense 2 and 3. The fact that both senses can contrast with mug is yet more evidence they shouldn't be separate senses. 602. Jim_NP0 Leighton_NP0 ,_, a_AT0 product_NN1 of_PRF Johnstone_NP0 in_PRP Lanarkshire_NP0 ,_, established_VVD/VVN his_DPS reputation_NN1 with_PRP Aberdeen_NP0 where_AVQ/CJS he_PNP won_VVD league_NN1 and_CJC cup_NN1 medals_NN2 and_CJC was_VBD a_AT0 rock_NN1 solid_AJ0 member_NN1 of_PRF Aberdeen_NP0 's_POS European_AJ0/NN1 Cup_NN1 Winner_NP0 's_POS Cup_NN1 Team_NN0 ._. Sense 1. Metonymic extension. "cup medal" clearly refers to a medal awarded to someone participating in the competition whose final prize is some kind of cup. So "cup" is being used to refer to the competition. 622. Each_DT0 man_NN1 was_VBD issued_VVN with_PRP a_AT0 number_NN1 which_DTQ corresponded_VVD with_PRP a_AT0 seat_NN1 number_NN1 ,_, at_PRP which_DTQ was_VBD provided_VVN a_AT0 coffee_NN1 can_VM0 ,_, cup_NN1 and_CJC cooking_NN1/VVG tin_NN1 ,_, all_AV0 duly_AV0 numbered_VVD/VVN too_AV0 ._. Sense 3, because it's definitely not a coffee cup. 747. The_AT0 blades_NN2 rotate_VVB inside_PRP a_AT0 plastic_NN1 cup_NN1 ,_, so_CJS the_AT0 blender_NN1 can_VM0 even_AV0 be_VBI used_VVN in_PRP nonstick_NN1 kitchenware_NN1 ._. Open hemispherical shaped object sense. Not one of senses 1, 2, 3. 753. Heat_NN1/VVB about_AV0 1/4_CRD cup_NN1 salad_NN1 oil_NN1 in_PRP a_AT0 large_AJ0 heavy_AJ0 frying_AJ0/NN1 pan_NN1 ._. AMT sense. Not one of senses 1, 2, 3 831. It_PNP 's_VHZ cramped_VVN if_CJS there_EX0 are_VBB four_CRD of_PRF you_PNP ,_, but_CJC the_AT0 atmosphere_NN1 is_VBZ very_AV0 friendly_AJ0 and_CJC relaxed_VVD &mdash_- neighbours_NN2 popping_VVG in_AVP to_TO0 borrow_VVI a_AT0 cup_NN1 of_PRF sugar_NN1 or_CJC a_AT0 50p_NN0 coin_NN1 for_PRP the_AT0 electricity_NN1 meter_NN1 ,_, children_NN2 running_VVG along_AVP/PRP the_AT0 balconies_NN2 or_CJC playing_VVG on_PRP the_AT0 thin_AJ0 strip_NN1 of_PRF grass_NN1 between_PRP the_AT0 blocks_NN2 ._. Amount sense. 843. the_AT0 silver-plated_AJ0 cup_NN1 Most likely sense 1, the trophy sense, but could it be a cup for drinking, hence sense 2? 1094. A_AT0 large_AJ0 washer_NN1 should_VM0 be_VBI fitted_VVN between_PRP the_AT0 mirror_NN1 and_CJC the_AT0 wall_NN1 (_( a_AT0 tap_NN1 washer_NN1 is_VBZ ideal_AJ0 )_) ,_, a_AT0 nylon_NN1 sleeve_NN1 put_VVD/VVN in_PRP the_AT0 hole_NN1 in_PRP the_AT0 mirror_NN1 ,_, and_CJC a_AT0 plastic_NN1 screw_NN1/VVB cup_NN1 placed_VVD/VVN under_PRP the_AT0 screw_NN1 head_NN1 to_TO0 protect_VVI the_AT0 mirror_NN1 ._. Open hemispherical shaped object sense. Not one of senses 1, 2, 3 1237. Megan_NN1/NP0 unpacked_VVD the_AT0 picnic_NN1 tea_NN1 and_CJC handed_VVD me_PNP a_AT0 plastic_NN1 cup_NN1 ._. Sense 3, clearly, because the cup is plastic and for drinking. 1328. All_DT0 appointees_NN2 have_VHB to_TO0 provide_VVI a_AT0 urine_NN1 sample_NN1 &mdash_- even_AV0 Pamela_NP0 Harriman_NP0 ,_, the_AT0 new_AJ0 ambassador_NN1 to_PRP Paris_NP0 ,_, had_VHD to_TO0 stand_VVI in_PRP line_NN1 ,_, clutching_VVG her_DPS paper_NN1 cup_NN1 &mdash_- and_CJC turn_VVB up_AVP for_PRP a_AT0 face-to-face_AJ0 interview_NN1 ,_, which_DTQ usually_AV0 lasts_CRD between_PRP one-and-a-half_CRD and_CJC two_CRD hours_NN2 ._. Sense 3, clearly, because the cup is paper and for drinking. 1392. Lovable_AJ0 Includer_NN1/NP0 bra_NN1 with_PRP all-over_AJ0/NN1 padded_AJ0/VVD cup_NN1 plus_PRP inserts_NN2 and_CJC detachable_AJ0 straps_NN2 ._. Open hemispherical shaped object sense. Not one of senses 1, 2, 3. 1549. With_PRP the_AT0 rim_NN1 of_PRF its_DPS cup_NN1 pressed_VVD/VVN against_PRP the_AT0 wall_NN1 ,_, the_AT0 earphone_NN1 gave_VVD Renwick_NP0 the_AT0 clear_AJ0 sound_NN1 of_PRF Lorna_NP0 's_POS dictation_NN1 ._. Open hemispherical shaped object sense. Not one of senses 1, 2, 3. 1555. In_PRP the_AT0 very_AV0 first_ORD episode_NN1 I_PNP did_VDD ,_, we_PNP fitted_VVD that_CJT/DT0 onto_PRP a_AT0 wobbling_AJ0 camera_NN1 tracking_VVG in_AVP/PRP (_( today_AV0 you_PNP 'd_VM0 call_VVI it_PNP a_AT0 hand-held_AJ0 shot_NN1 )_) and_CJC ,_, togetherwith_PRP a_AT0 sucker_NN1 cup_NN1 sticking_VVG out_AVP into_PRP shot_NN1 ,_, it_PNP gave_VVD you_PNP an_AT0 impression_NN1 of_PRF the_AT0 thing_NN1 lumbering_VVG towards_PRP Barbara_NP0 down_AVP/PRP a_AT0 passage_NN1 ._. Open hemispherical shaped object sense. Not one of senses 1, 2, 3.