Source code for Exercises.essentials.lists.katrina_adv_analyz.katrina_adv_analyz


Let's analyze the Katrina advisory further by computing the number of words and
paragraphs, and extracting its metadata. Let's assume that this is
useful to know if our application will be able to post it on Twitter
or send it by text messages or if other means of communication are

Again, we will load the content of the advisory for you since we haven't seen how to read files yet.

Question 1

Count the number of paragraphs in the text (2 paragraphs are delimited by a blank line). Print the result (the correct number of paragraphs is 12).

.. hint::
   Paragraphs are delimited by the string "\\\\n\\\\n"

Question 2

Count the number of lines of text. This can be done without the need for a for loop, though a loop is an acceptable solution if you know how to implement it.

Hint: How can we get a list of lines from the content of the file? Count the number of lines total. Count the number of empty lines. The result is 34.

Question 3

We will define the first metadata for the alert message as a preview of the content. It will be made with the first 4 and the last 4 words. Combine this information  into a string type variable `preview` similar to `'The first four words ... the last four words'`.

Question 4

Let's analyze the first paragraph and normalize its content::

   1011 AM CDT SUN AUG 28, 2005

Parse it to extract its priority flag made of the first word of the paragraph, the location it originates from (city, state), the time and the date and store that into 4 distinct variables. It is safe to assume that the location will always follow "National Weather Service" on the second line and that the time will always be the first 3 entries on the third line. 

Store the rest of the message into a "content" variable.

These date, location and flag metadata could be used add this information automatically on a map, in a calendar, with appropriate flagging, though this is beyond the scope of this exercise. 

def load_data():
    f = open("katrina_advisory.txt")
    text =
    print('Content of "katrina_advisory.txt"')
    print('-' * 51)
    return text

[docs]def question_one (text): """ Count the paragraphs. """ ct = 0 # Replace 0 with your code return ct
[docs]def question_two (text): """ Count the lines. """ line_ct = 0 # Replace 0 with your code return line_ct
[docs]def question_three (text): """ Get meta data, a strng (1st 4 words, last 4 words of `text`) """ meta_data = '' # Replace empty string with your code return meta_data
[docs]def question_four (text): """ Extract specific info """ info = '' # Replace empty string with your code return info
if __name__ == '__main__': text = load_data() par_ct = question_one(text) line_ct = question_two(text) meta_data = question_three(text) info = question_four(text) # Copyright 2008-2016, Enthought, Inc. # Use only permitted under license. Copying, sharing, redistributing or other unauthorized use strictly prohibited. #