Source code for Exercises.essentials.file_io.ascii_log_file.ascii_log_file

Read in a set of logs from an ASCII file.

Read in the logs found in the file `short_logs.crv`.
The logs are arranged as follows::

    DEPTH    S-SONIC    P-SONIC ...
    8922.0   171.7472   86.5657
    8922.5   171.7398   86.5638
    8923.0   171.7325   86.5619
    8923.5   171.7287   86.5600

So the first line is a list of log names for each column of numbers.
The columns are the log values for the given log.  Despite the forbidding
sounding extension (".crv"), `short_logs.crv` is just an
ASCII text file containing information organized as a table, in which the values
are all separated by spaces.

Make a dictionary with keys as the log names and values as the
log data::

    >>> logs['DEPTH']
    [8922.0, 8922.5, 8923.0, ...]
    >>> logs['S-SONIC']
    [171.7472, 171.7398, 171.7325, ...]


Time your example using::

    run -t ''

And see if you can come up with a faster solution. You may want to try the
`long_logs.crv` file in this same directory for timing, as it is much larger
than the `short_logs.crv` file. As a hint, reading the data portion of the
array in at one time combined with strided slicing of lists is useful here.

from collections import defaultdict

[docs]def read_crv (): """ Write a for loop that loops through the log file and fills the dictionary as described above. """ log_file = open('short_logs.crv', 'r') log_dict = defaultdict(list) ## Your code here return log_dict
if __name__ == '__main__': log_dict = read_crv()