12.4. Regular Expression Assignment Practice Lab

This notebook is intended to complement the brief introduction to regular expressions presented in the appendix to the online Python text Python for Social Science. Python’s regular expression package (re) provides a language for expressing patterns that match sets of strings.

The treatment given in the online text is described as brief because regular expressions are an intricate subject with many thorny side paths; the few pages devoted to the subject there can only begin to scratch the surface. Regular expressions are nevertheless an incredibly useful perhaps even indispensable tool when dealing with datasets containing large strings with patterned data needing extraction or patterned errors needing correction.

The power and challenge of using regular expressions are perfectly captured in an XKCD cartoon, linked to below for your viewing pleasure. Be sure to read the panel before reading the caption, and then, most likely, you will want to read the panel again.

from IPython.core.display import HTML
img_data ='https://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/s_keyboard_leopard.png'
HTML(f'<img src={img_data}>')

You don’t have to have worked extensively with regular expressions to appreciate this particular XKCD, but I suspect it is funnier if you have.

The point: When regular expressions go wrong, the results are often incomprehensible. Let’s look at what they can do, and some of the refinement process that nearly every bit of regular expression code goes through.

12.4.1. How to construct and debug regular expressions Exercise one

The cell two cells down defines a large html string that we will use to test some of regular expressions. When writing a program that is going to depend on accurately extracting instances of certain patterns from text or HTML, you need to create the regular expressions first, testing them on realistic example strings. You need your expressions to do two things:

  1. Match the strings you trying to extract, and possibly some context around them, to guarantee you are extracting the right information;

  2. If your expression matches context as well as the information you are trying to extract, (and often it will have to) you need to identify the target part of the expression. This is done by placing the target part of the pattern in parentheses (illustrated below).

The exercise below asks you to extract the baby name year in the html file. The line containing the relevant information looks like this

<h3 align="center">Popularity in 1990</h3>

One regular expression that will match the year is the following:


This matches any sequence of 4 digits. The code below tries out this idea. Evaluate it and report on the success of the idea in the markdown cell below the code cell.

Before looking at the HTML itself, look at how it’s suposed to render, in the cell below.

<p>Popular Baby Names</p>

Social Security Online

Popular Baby Names

Popular Baby Names

Popular Names by Birth Year

September 12, 2007

Background information

  Select another year of birth?


Popularity in 1990

In the following cell, we give the HTML string for generating the cell above and some code for searching it:

import re

html_string = """
<head><title>Popular Baby Names</title>
<meta name="dc.language" scheme="ISO639-2" content="eng">
<meta name="dc.creator" content="OACT">
<meta name="lead_content_manager" content="JeffK">
<meta name="coder" content="JeffK">
<meta name="dc.date.reviewed" scheme="ISO8601" content="2005-12-30">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../OACT/templatefiles/master.css" type="text/css" media="screen">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../OACT/templatefiles/custom.css" type="text/css" media="screen">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../OACT/templatefiles/print.css" type="text/css" media="print">
<body bgcolor="#ffffff" text="#000000" topmargin="1" leftmargin="0">
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4">
  <tr><td class="sstop" valign="bottom" align="left" width="25%">
      Social Security Online
    </td><td valign="bottom" class="titletext">
      <!-- sitetitle -->Popular Baby Names
  <tr bgcolor="#333366"><td colspan="2" height="2"></td></tr>
  <tr><td class="graystars" width="25%" valign="top">
       <a href="../OACT/babynames/">Popular Baby Names</a></td><td valign="top">
      <a href="http://www.ssa.gov/"><img src="/templateimages/tinylogo.gif"
      width="52" height="47" align="left"
      alt="SSA logo: link to Social Security home page" border="0"></a><a name="content"></a>
      <h1>Popular Names by Birth Year</h1>September 12, 2007</td>
  <tr bgcolor="#333366"><td colspan="2" height="1"></td></tr>
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" summary="formatting">
  <tr valign="top"><td width="25%" class="greycell">
      <a href="../OACT/babynames/background.html">Background information</a>
      <p><br />
      &nbsp; Select another <label for="yob">year of birth</label>?<br />
      <form method="post" action="/cgi-bin/popularnames.cgi">
      &nbsp; <input type="text" name="year" id="yob" size="4" value="1990">
      <input type="hidden" name="top" value="1000">
      <input type="hidden" name="number" value="">
      &nbsp; <input type="submit" value="   Go  "></form>
<h3 align="center">Popularity in 1990</h3>
<p align="center">
re1 = r'\d\d\d\d'
re1_revised = r'[12]\d\d\d'
match = re.search(re1,html_string)
match_two = re.search(re1_revised,html_string)
# match object tells you positions in string where match begins and ends (match.start() and match.end()).
# Let's look at  this span

#match = None
#match_two = None
if match:
if match_two:

Discuss how well this regular expression worked at extracting the year the data was last modified. If it failed, explain why. You may edit the cell above.

This exercise should have convinced you needed to amend the regular expression to provide some contexts; 4 digits in a row, even if the first is required to be 1 or 2, won’t do it. In the next cell, define and test a new regular expression that does the job. You may want to try some of the exercises in the following sections first, to get some practice with regular expressions.

But here is a hint. Use look-behind assertion,

If a regular expression contains a look-behind assertion, then the matching part of the expression will only count as a match if it is preceded by the expression matching the look-behind assertion.

For example:


matches the string 'def' in any context.


matches the string 'def' only when it is preceded by abc:

test_str = 'abcdefhij defcon 4'


['def', 'def']

As you can see from the behavior of findall in line 3, the lookahead assertion is not part of the match. It merely constrains what counts as a match. Exercise two

For the next html string, you want to find ALL the triples of the form RANK, MALE NAME, FEMALE NAME. Your output should look like this:

[(‘1’, ‘Jacob’, ‘Emma’), (‘2’, ‘Michael’, ‘Isabella’), (‘3’, ‘Ethan’, ‘Emily’)]

You can get this using re.findall. The next cell gives you a pretty helpful example of how to use it.

import re
html_str2 = """<tr align="center" valign="bottom">
  <th scope="col" width="12%" bgcolor="#efefef">Rank</th>
  <th scope="col" width="41%" bgcolor="#99ccff">Male name</th>
<th scope="col" bgcolor="pink" width="41%">Female name</th></tr>
<tr align="right"><td>1</td><td>Jacob</td><td>Emma</td>
<tr align="right"><td>2</td><td>Michael</td><td>Isabella</td>
<tr align="right"><td>3</td><td>Ethan</td><td>Emily</td>
res1 = re.findall(r'<tr\s+.+><td>\d+</td>',html_str2)
res2 = re.findall(r'<tr\s+.+><td>(\d+)</td>',html_str2)

(res1, res2)
(['<tr align="right"><td>1</td>',
  '<tr align="right"><td>2</td>',
  '<tr align="right"><td>3</td>'],
 ['1', '2', '3'])

Notice the very different results you get with very similar findall requests. The function findall is written so as to retrieve the groups in your regular expression. The groups in your regular expression are defined by parentheses. If there are no groups (no parentheses), findall returns a list of complete matches. So the first result above is what you get for a regular expression with no groups, and the second is what you get for a regular expression with one group. If your regular expression contains multiple groups, you get a list of tuples. Each tuple member corresponds to one group in the pattern. Since you’re being asked for a result that is a list of triples, you want a regular expression with 3 groups.

12.4.2. Solving crosswords (requires NLTK)

The following example is adapted from the NLTK Book, Ch. 3.

Let’s say we’re in the midst of doing a cross word puzzle and we need an 8-letter word whose third letter is j and whose sixth letter is t which means sad. We emphasize any matching word must be exactly 8 letters long. For “majestic” satisfies the constraints’ “majestically” does not. Make sure your regular expression respects that requirement. (Your regular expression will need to use “^”, the beginning of input marker and “$”, the end of input marker)(,

import nltk
[nltk_data] Downloading package words to /root/nltk_data...
[nltk_data]   Unzipping corpora/words.zip.

The output from the correct answer is shown after the cell below. To preserve it for comparison, you can edit the cell after the next one, which is identical.

import re
from nltk.corpus import words
wds = words.words()
# Put your regex inplace of xxx in the next line
regex = r'xxx'
cands = [w for w in wds if re.search(regex,w)]
# The correct output is shown below.
import re
from nltk.corpus import words
wds = words.words()
# Put your regex inplace of xxx in the next line
regex = r'xxx'
cands = [w for w in wds if re.search(regex,w)]
# The correct output is shown below.

So looking over the candidates, what is the word we want?

12.4.3. Textonyms

The NLTK Book, Ch. 3introduces the following concept of textonym with this definition:

The T9 system is used for entering text on mobile phones: Two or more words that are ent ered with the same sequence of keystrokes are known as textonyms. For example, both hole and golf are entered by pressing the sequence 4653.

from IPython.core.display import HTML
img_data = 'https://www.nltk.org/images/T9.png'
HTML(f'<img src={img_data} width=500>')

What other words could be produced with the same sequence?

Here we could use the regular expression '^[ghi][mno][jkl][def]$'.

>>> [w for w in wds if re.search('^[ghi][mno][jkl][def]$', w)]
['gold', 'golf', 'hold', 'hole']

Try the following. Find all words that can be spelled out with the sequence 3456. Correct output shown.

# Put your answer in place of xxx in the line bbeflow
regex = r'xxx'
[w for w in wds if re.search(regex, w)]
[u'dilo', u'film', u'filo']

Now find all words that can be spelled out with the sequence 4653.

regex = r'xxx'
[w for w in wds if re.search(regex, w)]
[u'gold', u'golf', u'hold', u'hole', u'gold', u'hole']

12.4.4. Regular expression practice

import re
pat = r'a|b|c'
pat2 = r'[abc]'
pat3 = r'\w\w\w'
pat4 = '\\w\\w\\w'
print(re.match(pat3,'b d'))
print(re.match(pat3,'bda '))
<re.Match object; span=(0, 3), match='bcd'>
<re.Match object; span=(0, 3), match='1bd'>
<re.Match object; span=(0, 3), match='b1d'>
<re.Match object; span=(0, 3), match='bda'>

Edit this cell and after each regular expression, describe the class of strings it matches. Check your answer examining the output of the code cell that follows.

  1. [a-zA-Z]+

  2. [A-Z][a-z]*

  3. :raw-latex:`\d+`(.:raw-latex:`d+`)?

  4. ([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyz][aeiou][bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyz])*

  5. :raw-latex:`w`+|[^ws]+

###     Some regular expressions     ###

re2 = r'[a-zA-Z]+'   #Any string consisting of ltters of the alphabet, upper or lower case
re3 = r'[A-Z][a-z]+'
re4 = r'\d+(\.\d+)?'
re5 = r'([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyz][aeiou][bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyz])*'
re6 = r'\w+|[^\w\s]+'

res = [re2,re3,re4,re5,re6]

###     Some example strings         ###

example1 = 'abracadabra'
example2 = '1billygoat'
example3 = 'billygoat1'
example4 = '43.1789'
example4a = '43x1789'
example5 = '43.'
example6 = '43'
example7 = 'road_runner'
example8 = ' road_runner'
example9 = 'bathos'
example10 = "The little dog laughed to see such a sight."
example11 = 'socrates'
example12 = 'Socrates'
example13 = '*&%#!?'
example14 = 'IBM'

examples = [example1,example2,example3,example4,example4a,example5,example6,

###     Trying some matches          ###

for i,re_pat in enumerate(res):
    banner = 're%d %s' % (i+2,re_pat)
    print('=' * len(banner))
    for (i,ex) in enumerate(examples):
        match = re.match(re_pat,ex)
        if match:
            print('  %2d. %-45s  %s' % (i+1,ex,ex[match.start():match.end()]))
            print('  %2d. %-45s  %s' %(i+1,ex,None))
re2 [a-zA-Z]+

   1. abracadabra                                    abracadabra
   2. 1billygoat                                     None
   3. billygoat1                                     billygoat
   4. 43.1789                                        None
   5. 43x1789                                        None
   6. 43.                                            None
   7. 43                                             None
   8. road_runner                                    road
   9.  road_runner                                   None
  10. bathos                                         bathos
  11. The little dog laughed to see such a sight.    The
  12. socrates                                       socrates
  13. Socrates                                       Socrates
  14. &%#!?                                         None
  15. IBM                                            IBM

re3 [A-Z][a-z]+

   1. abracadabra                                    None
   2. 1billygoat                                     None
   3. billygoat1                                     None
   4. 43.1789                                        None
   5. 43x1789                                        None
   6. 43.                                            None
   7. 43                                             None
   8. road_runner                                    None
   9.  road_runner                                   None
  10. bathos                                         None
  11. The little dog laughed to see such a sight.    The
  12. socrates                                       None
  13. Socrates                                       Socrates
  14. *&%#!?                                         None
  15. IBM                                            None

re4 d+(.d+)?

   1. abracadabra                                    None
   2. 1billygoat                                     1
   3. billygoat1                                     None
   4. 43.1789                                        43.1789
   5. 43x1789                                        43
   6. 43.                                            43
   7. 43                                             43
   8. road_runner                                    None
   9.  road_runner                                   None
  10. bathos                                         None
  11. The little dog laughed to see such a sight.    None
  12. socrates                                       None
  13. Socrates                                       None
  14. *&%#!?                                         None
  15. IBM                                            None

re5 ([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyz][aeiou][bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyz])

   1. abracadabra
   2. 1billygoat
   3. billygoat1                                     bil
   4. 43.1789
   5. 43x1789
   6. 43.
   7. 43
   8. road_runner
   9.  road_runner
  10. bathos                                         bathos
  11. The little dog laughed to see such a sight.
  12. socrates                                       socrat
  13. Socrates
  14. *&%#!?
  15. IBM

re6 w+|[^ws]+

   1. abracadabra                                    abracadabra
   2. 1billygoat                                     1billygoat
   3. billygoat1                                     billygoat1
   4. 43.1789                                        43
   5. 43x1789                                        43x1789
   6. 43.                                            43
   7. 43                                             43
   8. road_runner                                    road_runner
   9.  road_runner                                   None
  10. bathos                                         bathos
  11. The little dog laughed to see such a sight.    The
  12. socrates                                       socrates
  13. Socrates                                       Socrates
  14. *&%#!?                                         *&%#!?
  15. IBM                                            IBM

Make sure you can answer the following questions about the results of testing these regular expressions on the examples:

  1. Why does re2 succeed on only part of (8)?

  2. Why does re3 only succeed on (11) and (13)? Be sure to explain why it fails on (15).

  3. When ‘re4’ matches (6), why isn’t the decimal point part of the match?

  4. All of the regular expressions except re5 report a None with at least one one of the examples. Why doesn’t re5 report any Nones?

  5. Why does re6 match all the characters in (14)?

  6. Why doesn’t re6 match (9)?

12.4.5. An example that requires NLTK to be installed

import nltk
[nltk_data] Downloading package brown to /Users/gawron/nltk_data...
[nltk_data]   Package brown is already up-to-date!

To run the code for this example, you will use a balanced corpus of English texts, a corpus collected with the purpose of representing a balanced variety of English text types: fiction, poetry, speech, non fiction, and so on. One relatively well-established, free, and easy-to-get example of such a corpus is the Brown Corpus. Brown is about 1.2 M words.

You can import the corpus as follows:

>>> from nltk.corpus import brown

If this does not work, it is because you have nltk installed without the accompanying corpora. You can download any nltk corpus you need through the nltk.download function For example, to get the Brown corpus, do the following in Python:

>>> import nltk
>>> nltk.download('brown')

You may be told:

Package brown is already up-to-date!

or your current nltk install will update brown. You can then import the brown corpus as follows:

>>> from nltk.corpus import brown

The following returns a list of all 1.2 M word tokens in Brown:

>>> brown.words()
['The', 'Fulton', 'County', 'Grand', 'Jury', 'said', ...]
# From http://www.nltk.org/book/ch03.html
#  Find the most common vowel sequences in English.  Note: be patient.  Evaluating this may take a while.
from nltk.corpus import brown
from collections import Counter
import re

bw = sorted(set(brown.words()))
# Find every instance of two or more consecutive vowels, and count tokens of each.
# Replace the xxx  in the string below to provide your answer (Hint: Use the regex construction
# mean 2 or more matches for the preceding expression.)
regex = r'xxx'
ctr = Counter(vs  for word in bw for vs in re.findall(regex,word))

#Correct output shown
[('io', 2787),
 ('ea', 2249),
 ('ou', 1855),
 ('ie', 1799),
 ('ia', 1400),
 ('ee', 1289),
 ('oo', 1174),
 ('ai', 1145),
 ('ue', 541),
 ('au', 540),
 ('ua', 502),
 ('ei', 485),
 ('ui', 483),
 ('oa', 466),
 ('oi', 412),
 ('eo', 250),
 ('iou', 225),
 ('eu', 187),
 ('oe', 181),
 ('iu', 128),
 ('ae', 85),
 ('eau', 54),
 ('uo', 53),
 ('eou', 52),
 ('uou', 37)]

The answer is kind of a surprise (surely “ea” and “ou” are more natural than “io”!), but there is no bug. The vowel sequence “io” occurs in more English words than any other vowel sequence. Can you think why?

Using the the code above as inspiration, find all the English words containing the vowel sequence “uou”.

12.4.6. Poker examples

Suppose you are writing a poker program where a player’s hand is represented as a 5-character string with each character representing a card, “a” for ace, “k” for king, “q” for queen, “j” for jack, “t” for 10, and “2” through “9” representing the card with that value.

To see if a given string is a valid hand, one could run the code in t he following cell

import re
def displaymatch(regex,text):
    match = regex.match(text)
    if match is None:
        matchstring = None
        matchstring = '%s[%s]%s' % (text[:match.start()],text[match.start():match.end()],text[match.end():])
    print('%-10s %s' % (text,matchstring))

valid = re.compile(r"^[a2-9tjqk]{5}$")

## Some examples
displaymatch(valid, "akt5q")  # Valid.
displaymatch(valid, "akt5e")  # Invalid.
displaymatch(valid, "akt")    # Invalid.
displaymatch(valid, "727ak")  # Valid.
displaymatch(valid, "727aka")  # Invalid.
displaymatch(valid, "aaaaa")  # Invalid.
akt5q      [akt5q]
akt5e      None
akt        None
727ak      [727ak]
727aka     None
aaaaa      [aaaaa]

The hand “727ak” contains a pair, and we would like to recognize such hands as special, so that we can go all in. We can do this using regular expression groups and register references. The match for each parenthesized part of a regular expression is called a group. We can refer back to the particular match associated with a group with :raw-latex:`\integer`. Where integer is any integer from 1 through 9. \1 refers to the first group, \2 to the second, and so on. So to match poker hands with pairs, we do the following.

pair = re.compile(r".*(.).*\1.*")
727ak      [727ak]
723ak      None
a2aak      [a2aak]

Of course, the regex pair does not require the text string to be a Poker hand. We could revise it to do that and if you think about it a little, it would actually make the regex a lot more complicated. What we could do instead is first apply valid to guarantee we’ve got a valid poker hand and then apply pair to find out if it contains a pair. This makes both regexes simple and easy to understand and still enforce all the constraints we want. Often a good strategy in applying regexes to enforce some complicated constraints is to divide the constraints up into separate categories and apply them in succession..

A problem with pair is that it doesnt tell us what we’ve got a pair of. Actually, the match object contains this information. It has an attribute called groups which contains all portions of the string that matched a group. We can use a revised version of displaymatch to print this, when requested:

import re
def displaymatch(regex,text, print_groups=False):
    match = regex.match(text)
    if match is None:
        matchstring = None
        matchstring = '%s[%s]%s' % (text[:match.start()],text[match.start():match.end()],text[match.end():])
    if print_groups and match:
        print('%-10s %s %s' % (text,matchstring,match.groups()))
        print('%-10s %s' % (text,matchstring))

# Re for recognizing pair hands
pair = re.compile(r".*(.).*\1")
## Write your regex for recognizing two pair below. Test
## This version is not adequate. Look at the examples to see why.
print("two pair")
two_pair = re.compile(r".*(.).*(.).*\1.*\2.*")
displaymatch(two_pair,"722a7",print_groups=True)  # shd succeed, does not
displaymatch(two_pair,"7722a",print_groups=True)  # shd succeed, does not
#displaymatch(two_pair,"aaaa2",print_groups=True)  # Will succeed on this one, but that's ok
723ak      None
7a3ak      [7a3a]k ('a',)

two pair
7a272      [7a272] ('7', '2')
722a7      None
7722a      None

12.4.7. Questions

  1. Write regexes that match three-of-a-kind hands, and four-of-a-kind hands. Follow the model of pairs and dont bother to guarantee that it’s a valid Poker hand.

  2. It’s quite complex to write a regular expression that checks to see if you’ve got a straight, but you can try the following strategy. First, verify you’ve got a valid poker hand; then verify you havent got a pair, three-of-kind, or four-of-a-kind. So you have a valid poker hand with no repetitions and you dont need the regex that checks for straights to rule those out.

    Now write a regex that will check to see if a valid poker hand with no repetitions is a straight beginning with ‘2’. It should succeed on 23456 and 25643 and 32654 and it should fail 24357. To deal with all possible straights in this way, how many cases are there to take care of? Write a single regular expression that will identify any straight, given that it is a valid poker hand with no repetitions. Test it on the straights above and on straights like akqjt and on the non-straight 24357.

  3. Write a regex that matches a two pair hand. This is tricky and the most natural answer will also match four-of-a-kind. Assume we’ve eliminated that possibility by failing to match the four-of-kind pattern from 1. You should test 722a7, 7a722 and 727a2. You will need a pattern that is a big disjunction using |, and you will need to enclose the disjuncts of this big disjunction in parentheses, but for that purpose you will need parentheses that don’t count as defining a retrievable group. The notation for that is (?: instead of ( [the same right paren is used in both cases]. See Python regex docs.

12.4.8. How to do extraction

The following example is from The weather underground page for San Diego <http://www.wunderground.com/weather-forecast/US/CA/San_Diego.html>_. The temperature is regularly given in a page division (HTML tag div) with ID (HTML attribute divID) NowTemp. If we can find that division and the temperature inside it, we have what we want. The pattern needs to be compiled with flags that allow it to match across multiple lines, because the context that identifies the temperature does not occur on the same line as the temperature. Compiling regular expressions also makes them more efficient when reused. A key point is that we place the actual temperature we want inside parentheses, the (\d{1,3}\.\d) part of the pattern. Portions of a pattern that occur in parentheses and are matched are placed ins the groups attribute of the match object. The groups attribute is a tuple of all the matched strings in parentheses in the pattern.

import re
html_string = """
<div class="br10" id="stationSelect">
            <a class="br10" id="stationselector_button" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'Station Select', 'Opened']);"><span>Station Select</span></a>
            <div id="conds_dashboard">
            <div id="hour00">
            <div id="nowCond">
            <div class="titleSubtle">Now</div>
            <div id="curIcon"><a href="" class="iconSwitchBig"><img src="http://icons-ak.wxug.com/i/c/k/nt_partlycloudy.gif" width="44" height="44" alt="Scattered Clouds" class="condIcon" /></a></div>
            <div id="curCond">Scattered Clouds</div>
            <div id="nowTemp">
            <div class="titleSubtle">Temperature</div>
            <div id="tempActual"><span id="rapidtemp" class="pwsrt" pwsid="KCASANDI123" pwsunit="english" pwsvariable="tempf" english="&deg;F" metric="&deg;C" value="55.8">
  <span class="nobr"><span class="b">55.8</span>&nbsp;&deg;F</span>
            <div id="tempFeel">Feels Like
  <span class="nobr"><span class="b">55.1</span>&nbsp;&deg;F</span>
pattern = r'<div\s+id\s*=\s*\"tempActual\"\s*>.*?(\d{1,3}\.\d).*?</div>'
pattern_re = re.compile(pattern,re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL)
#m = re.search(pattern_re,html_string)

The pattern in the example above was built up piece by piece. First we built a regular expression matching the <div id="nowTemp"> part of the pattern. That piece looked like this:

subpattern = r'<div\s+id\s*=\s*\"nowTemp\"\s*>

The \s* aren’t needed for this particular string, but there is considerable variation in how actual HTML is generated, and since white space in the \s* positions wouldn’t be meaningful, it is allowed. Next we tested the core part of the pattern on its own:

corepattern = r'(\d{1,3}\.\d)'

Finally we tested the last part:

lastpattern = r`</div>'

12.4.9. Tokenization (NLTK assumed)

Tokenization is the process of breaking up a text into words. We have in some cases used split() for this purpose, uniformly splitting a text up into words on the spaces, but this doesn’t always yield the right results, as the next examples show.

There are three tokenizations of text string defined in the cell below, try1, try2, and try3; try1 shows what happens when we just use the Python split; try2 and try3 use a regular expression that defines different cases of a proper word, such as

  1. an abbreviation with periods

  2. an ordinary alphabetic word, with an optional hyphen

  3. a string of digits, possibly with a decimal, a dollar sign, or a percent

and so on. We apply this pattern to the example string text, using the re module function findall to find all substrings of text that match the pattern.

# From http://www.nltk.org/book/ch03.html
import re

text = """
"That," said  Fred, "is what
you ... get in the U.S.A. for $5.29."
try1 = text.split()

# Notice the use of special NONCAPTURING parens (?:...)
# All parens in the regexp must be non capturing.
pattern = r"""
   (?:[A-Z]\.)+        # abbreviations, e.g. U.S.A.
  |\w+(?:-\w+)*        # words with optional internal hyphens
  |\$?\d+(?:\.\d+)?%?  # numbers, money and percents, e.g. 3.14, $12.40, 82%
  |\.\.\.            # ellipsis
  |[][.,;"'?():-_`]  # keep punctuation, delimiters as separate word tokens
re_flags = re.UNICODE | re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL | re.X
pattern_re = re.compile(pattern,re_flags)
try2 = pattern_re.findall(text)
# Or equivalently, let nltk do some of the work.
import nltk
try3 = nltk.regexp_tokenize(text,pattern,flags=re_flags)

The split tokenized sentence has some very strange words, for example the 7-character strings 'Fred,', and "That,", and the 3-character string "is. What’s being missed here is that certain characters (like comma and quotation-mark) unambiguously mark a word boundary. Regular expressions are very good at enforcing this sort of generalization, as we can see by comparing the results of tokenizing the same sentence with a regexp that does not allow words to continue past boundary markers.

In the next two tries, we use such a regular expression (defined as pattern), compiling it using re.compile (for efficiency) and using some compiling flags. See re module docs for a complete description. Here, we’ll discuss just the most frequently used one, the X flag:

This flag allows you to write regular expressions that look nicer and are more readable by allowing you to visually separate logical sections of the pattern and add comments. Whitespace within the pattern is ignored, except when in a character class, or when preceded by an unescaped backslash, or in groups or inisde a few special operators.

When a line contains a comment character (#) that is not in a character class and is not preceded by an unescaped backslash, all characters from the leftmost such # through the end of the line are ignored.

Next, we call re.findall(pattern, text); re.findall(pattern, text) returns a list of all the expressions in text that match pattern. Since each part (line) of pattern is written so as to match a different case of a proper word, re.findall(pattern, text) returns a list of the proper words in text. Note that all parentheses on pattern are what the re-module docs call “non-capturing”. This means no groups are defined by these parens, the matches against expressions in such parens are not put into a register, and they are not returned as separate components in a findall. This is what we want since the parentheses in pattern wrap around parts of words, and we don’t want the tokenizer returning word parts, just complete words.

The results of using findall and the nltk tokenizer are equivalent. Basically what the nltk tokenizer is compile the regexp using flags and use findall. The nltk tokenizer also offers another option, that of writing a tokenizer that matches all word boundaries and then using the re module method split. That approach has some advantages in some situations, but it is not shown here.

try2 == try3

Python regular expressions use parentheses for two different things, defining retrievable groups, which as we saw, is useful for extraction, and defining the scope of some regular expression operator (like * or +). Sometimes these two roles get in each other’s way. This is what happens in pattern above: Python findall handles groups specially and incorrectly treats the parenthesized elements as groups; so we use the regular expression convention of changing ( to ‘(?:’. The “(?:’ functions unambiguously to scope an operator and does not define a retrievable group. Rather than make this change by hand, we call the convenient NLTK function convert_regexp_to_nongrouping. We then compile the regular expression using various regular expression compiling flags. re.MULTILINE and re.DOTALL allow our regular tokenizing pattern to match across lines, while re.UNICODE allows our definition of word, which depends on the interpretation of \w to apply to UNICODE characters. Finally, re.X is the most directly relevant to this example. This allows regular expressions that intersperse comments, which makes them much more readable. See Python.org re docs for more details.

text = """
"That," said  Fred, "is what
you ... get in the U.S.A. for $5.29."
# This is illegal, do you know why?
#patx = r'\b\B+\b'
patx = r'\w+'
re_flags = re.UNICODE | re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL | re.X
patx_re = re.compile(patx,re_flags)
try4 = patx_re.findall(text)

Here is what you get. Is this a good result?


12.4.10. Sentence boundary detection

import re
text = """
The king rarely saw Marie
on Tuesdays, but
he did see her  on Wednesdays.  He liked
to take long walks
in the garden, gazing longingly at the
rhododendrons.  She
thought this
odd.  Me, too.
lines = re.split(r'\s*[!?.]\s*', text)
['nThe king rarely saw Marie non Tuesdays, butnhe did see her  on Wednesdays',
 'He likednto take long walksnin the garden, gazing longingly at thenrhododendrons',
 'Shenthought thisnodd',
 'Me, too',

Now let’s clean this up removing unnecessary line breaks and white space. For each element in lines, we split it, then put the pieces back together separated by single spaces. Finally,we remove empty strings.

sentences0 = [' '.join(line.split()) for line in lines]
sentences = [exp for exp in sentences0 if exp]
['The king rarely saw Marie on Tuesdays, but he did see her on Wednesdays',
 'He liked to take long walks in the garden, gazing longingly at the rhododendrons',
 'She thought this odd',
 'Me, too']

We wrap it all up in a function, supplying the above pattern as a default if the user doesn’t specify one.

def sent_tokenize (text, pat=r'\s*[!?.]\s*'):
    lines = re.split(pat, text)
    sentences0 = [' '.join(line.split()) for line in lines]
    return [exp for exp in sentences0 if exp]

12.4.11. Putting it all together

In the next cell we use negative lookahead, which allows us to match an instance of one pattern as long as it is not immediately followed by an instance of another. For example, using r"Isaac(?!\s+Asimov)" to define a pattern that matches “Isaac” when it is not immediately followed by ” Asimov”, we get:

text = 'Isaac Asimov patted Isaac Stern on the back'
['Isaac', 'Isaac']

We input a raw text string and first tokenize sentences, then words within sentences, returning a list of tokenized sentences. Each tokenized sentence is a list of words.

import nltk
import re

pattern = r"""
   (?:[A-Z]\.)+        # abbreviations, e.g. U.S.A.
  |\$?\d+(?:\.\d+)?%?  # numbers, money and percents, e.g. 3.14, $12.40, 82%
  |\$?\.\d+%?         # numbers, money and percents, e.g. .14, $.40, '/8%
  |\w+(?:-\w+)*        # words with optional internal hyphens. NB \w includes \d
  |\.\.\.            # ellipsis
  |[][./,;"'!?():-_`]  # keep punctuation, delimiters as separate word tokens

re_flags = re.UNICODE | re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL | re.X
# Add in to our sentence boundary pattern
# that the next letters following the sentence ender
# must NOT be a lower case letter (a-z).
back_pat = '\s*[!?.]\s+(?![a-z])'
def sent_tokenize (text, pat = '\s*[!?.]\s+'):
    lines = re.split(pat, text)
    sentences0 = [' '.join(line.split()) for line in lines]
    return [exp for exp in sentences0 if exp]

text = """
The king rarely saw Marie
on Tuesdays, but
he did see her  on Wednesdays.  He liked
to take long walks
in the garden, gazing longingly at the
rhododendrons.  She
thought this
odd.  Me, too.
"That," said  Fred, "is what
you (Texans!) get in 1/2 the U.S.A. for $5.29, .23% of nothing."
sents = sent_tokenize(text,pat = back_pat)
tokenized_sents = [nltk.regexp_tokenize(sent, pattern, flags=re_flags)
                   for sent in sents]
 ['She', 'thought', 'this', 'odd'],
 ['Me', ',', 'too'],

12.4.12. Example of using regular expressions to clean data

The following is a realistic example of cleaning web data using regular expressions. It is offered here as a reference, and particularly as an example using re.split(), which is an underutilized tool. Load recipe data

Execute the following two commands to either download the data to your machine. You will need to then move it to your Google Drive if you are using Google Colab.

Modified from Python Data Science Handbook Jake VenderPlas. section 3.10

# !curl https://s3.amazonaws.com/openrecipes/20170107-061401-recipeitems.json.gz --output 20170107-061401-recipeitems.json.gz
# !gunzip 20170107-061401-recipeitems.json.gz

The next cell loads the data, does some cleanup and packages it into a DataFrame.

import pandas as pd
#  You will need to change the path to whereever the data is, possibly also mounting your Google Drive.
path = '/Users/gawron/Desktop/src/sphinx/python_for_ss_extras/colab_notebooks/'\

Although pandas has a very good json reading utility, it does not work on this .json file.

    recipes = pd.read_json(path)
except ValueError as e:
    print("ValueError:", e)

A partial solution is to read in the data line by line. There are still some minor cleanup issues. The following cell loads the data and deals with those issues.

import json
def fix_dd (dd):
    to_do = []
    for (key,val) in dd.items():
        if isinstance(val,dict) and len(val) == 1:
            to_do.append((key, val[list(val.keys())[0]]))
        elif isinstance(val,dict)and len(val) == 0:
            print('***Zero-keyed value found***')
        elif isinstance(val,dict):
            print('***Multi-keyed value found***')
    for (key,new_val) in to_do:
        # overwrite k1 -> {k2:v} to be k1 -> v
        dd[key] = new_val
    return dd

with open(path) as f:
    recipes = pd.DataFrame(fix_dd(json.loads(line.strip())) for line in f)
(173278, 17)

We see there are nearly 200,000 recipes, and 17 columns. Let’s take a look at one row to see what we have:

_id                                            5160756b96cc62079cc2db15
name                                    Drop Biscuits and Sausage Gravy
ingredients           Biscuitsn3 cups All-purpose Flourn2 Tablespo...
url                   http://thepioneerwoman.com/cooking/2013/03/dro...
image                 http://static.thepioneerwoman.com/cooking/file...
ts                                                        1365276011104
cookTime                                                          PT30M
source                                                  thepioneerwoman
recipeYield                                                          12
datePublished                                                2013-03-11
prepTime                                                          PT10M
description           Late Saturday afternoon, after Marlboro Man ha...
totalTime                                                           NaN
creator                                                             NaN
recipeCategory                                                      NaN
dateModified                                                        NaN
recipeInstructions                                                  NaN
Name: 0, dtype: object

Here is the recipe with the longest ingredient list:

import numpy as np
test = np.argmax(recipes.ingredients.str.len())
testname = recipes.name[test]
'Carrot Pineapple Spice &amp; Brownie Layer Cake with Whipped Cream &amp; Cream Cheese Frosting and Marzipan Carrots'

Here’s a sample of what the ingredients list (from that one row/recipe) looks like:

'1 cup carrot juice2 cups (280 g) all purpose flour1/2 cup (65 g) almond meal or almond flour1 tablespoon baking powder1 teaspoon baking soda3/4 teaspo'

Obviously a lot of distinct ingredients have been concatenated together without spacing, making the whole mess quite hard to read. This is the sort of thing that can happen any time when web-scraping, but is especially trying with social media data.

To clean this up we want

1 cup carrot juice2 cups (280 g) all purpose flour1/2 cup (65 g) almond meal or almond flour

to come out as

1 cup carrot juice
2 cups (280 g) all purpose flour
1/2 cup (65 g) almond meal or almond flour

So we need to split the string at certain points. Let’s try to exploit the fact that an ingredient specification tends to start with a number. So we split at the point where a number is concatenated onto a non-number. To define the split points we’ll use a regular expression.

A not-quite-perfect regexp to split the recipe ingredients for this LONG list of ingredients is given in the next cell as spl_re. It matches a line break or an empty string that is immediately preceded by an alphabetic character (or right parenthesis) and immediately followed by a number; when used by re.split it will split the string at all such points.

After the splitting, we find numerous duplicates; this may have been caused by interrupted data transmission at some point during the scraping, but it is also the sort of thing that happens when scraping social media data, which often has complicated structure, and may have duplications at the source due to reposting and gatekeeper interventions.

With duplicates removed our example ingredients list shortens considerably.

import re
spl_re_raw = r"""
                 (?<=[a-z\)])        # Look behind for alphabetic character or right paren
                 \n?                 # Match line break or empty string
                 (?=[1-9])           # Look ahead for any digit 1-9
re_flags = re.UNICODE | re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL | re.X
spl_re = re.compile(spl_re_raw,re_flags)
raw_ingreds= re.split(spl_re,recipes.ingredients[test])
#remove dupes!
test_ingreds = set(raw_ingreds)
#  There were lots of dupes!
print(' With duplicates:   ',len(raw_ingreds),'ingredients\n',
      'Without duplicates: ',len(test_ingreds), 'ingredients',
# print each of the ingredients after splitting and dupe removal, separated by newlines
 With duplicates:    277 ingredients
 Without duplicates:  37 ingredients

2 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/2 teaspoon almond extract
1/2 cup unsweetened shredded coconutgreen and yellow liquid food coloring
green and yellow liquid food coloring
24 oz (3 bricks) full fat cream cheese
1 vanilla bean
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/4 teaspoon ground allspice
2 cups (280 g) all purpose flour
1 cup (160 g) finely chopped fresh pineapple
1 cup carrot juice
1/2 teaspoon ground nutmeg
1 lbs (450 g) carrots, finely freshly grated
1/2 cup (65 g) almond meal or almond flour
3 large eggs
1/2 cup (113 g or 1 stick) unsalted butter
85 g to 115 g (3/4 to 1 cup) confectioners’ sugar (powdered sugar)red, yellow and green gel food colorinh
2 cups (475 mL) heavy whipping cream, cold
1 tablespoon baking powder
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon ground ginger
1 tablespoon light corn syrup
1 1/2 cup (175 g) confectioners’ sugar (powdered sugar)
85 g to 115 g (3/4 to 1 cup) confectioners’ sugar (powdered sugar)red, yellow and green gel food colorinh
red, yellow and green gel food colorinh
3/4 cup (175 mL) neutral flavored cooking oil (like sunflower)
2 cups (400 g) white granulated sugar
1/4 teaspoon sea salt
3/4 teaspoon fine sea salt
1/4 teaspoon fresh ground black pepper
4 oz (115 g) semisweet chocolate
1/4 teaspoon ground cardamom
1 teaspoon baking soda
2 oz (57 g) unsweetened chocolate
3/4 cup (150 g) granulated white sugar
57 g (2 oz) almond paste
3/4 cup (105 g) all purpose flour
1/4 teaspoon ground cloves

Let’s package this up in a function that reinserts line breaks between the chunks found by re.split() (to ensure that all the elements in the ingredients list column are still strings) and apply it to all the rows in the recipes.ingredients column.

import re
#spl_re = re.compile(r'(?<=[a-z\)])\n?(?=[1-9])')
spl_re_raw = r"""
                 (?<=[a-z\)])        # Look behind for alphabetic character or right paren
                 \n?                 # Match line break or empty string
                 (?=[1-9])           # Look ahead for any digit 1-9
re_flags = re.UNICODE | re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL | re.X
spl_re = re.compile(spl_re_raw,re_flags)

def make_parsable (ingred_str):
    # We cant use `set` for dupe removal because well-formed
    # ingredient lists often have internal structure (e.g., ingredients listed
    # in order of usage or all spices go together)
    def remove_dupes (container):
        seen,res = set(), []
        for elem in container:
            if elem not in seen:
        return res
    # After splitting rejoin with newlines
    str1 = '\n'.join(re.split(spl_re,ingred_str))
    # Because there were were "\n"s in ingred_strings
    # before the 1st split this 2nd split may not just undo the join
    return '\n'.join(remove_dupes(str1.split('\n')))

recipes.ingredients = recipes.ingredients.apply(make_parsable)

We reprint the previous longest-ingredients list, to show that elements in the new ingredients column now print nicely. A close look will also show this solution is not perfect, precisely because there are ingredient specifications that do not start with a number.

1 cup carrot juice
2 cups (280 g) all purpose flour
1/2 cup (65 g) almond meal or almond flour
1 tablespoon baking powder
1 teaspoon baking soda
3/4 teaspoon fine sea salt
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon ground ginger
1/2 teaspoon ground nutmeg
1/4 teaspoon ground allspice
1/4 teaspoon ground cloves
1/4 teaspoon ground cardamom
1/4 teaspoon fresh ground black pepper
2 cups (400 g) white granulated sugar
3/4 cup (175 mL) neutral flavored cooking oil (like sunflower)
1 lbs (450 g) carrots, finely freshly grated
1 cup (160 g) finely chopped fresh pineapple
3 large eggs
2 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/2 teaspoon almond extract
2 oz (57 g) unsweetened chocolate
4 oz (115 g) semisweet chocolate
1/2 cup (113 g or 1 stick) unsalted butter
3/4 cup (105 g) all purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon sea salt
3/4 cup (150 g) granulated white sugar
2 cups (475 mL) heavy whipping cream, cold
24 oz (3 bricks) full fat cream cheese
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 vanilla bean
1 1/2 cup (175 g) confectioners’ sugar (powdered sugar)
57 g (2 oz) almond paste
1 tablespoon light corn syrup
85 g to 115 g (3/4 to 1 cup) confectioners’ sugar (powdered sugar)red, yellow and green gel food colorinh
red, yellow and green gel food colorinh
1/2 cup unsweetened shredded coconutgreen and yellow liquid food coloring
green and yellow liquid food coloring

After these changes, the identity of the most complicated recipe has changed.

test2 = np.argmax(recipes.ingredients.str.len())
'coq au vin'

Inspection of this “ingredient list” shows our cleanup task is not done.

This data may have the recipe itself concatenated into the ingredients.

A task for another day.

All of this is; her recipes are always ridden with steps that make you question her sanity, as well as yours for following them — for example, this one requests that you boil bacon, which some might remember caused
some hilarious righteous indignation:
A 3- to 4-ounce chunk of bacon
A heavy, 10-inch, fireproof casserole
2 tablespoons butter
2 1/2 to 3 pounds cut-up frying chicken
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/8 teaspoon pepper
1/4 cup cognac
3 cups young, full-bodied red wine such as Burgundy, Beaujolais, Cotes du Rhone or Chianti
1 to 2 cups brown chicken stock, brown stock or canned beef bouillon
1/2 tablespoon tomato paste
2 cloves mashed garlic
1/4 teaspoon thyme
1 bay leaf
12 to 24 brown-braised onions (recipe follows)
1/2 pound sautéed mushrooms (recipe follows)
Salt and pepper
3 tablespoons flour
2 tablespoons softened butter
Sprigs of fresh parsley
1.  Remove the rind of and cut the bacon into lardons (rectangles 1/4-inch across and 1 inch long). Simmer for 10 minutes in 2 quarts of water. Rinse in cold water. Dry. [Deb note: As noted, I'd totally skip this step next time.]
2.  Sauté the bacon slowly in hot butter until it is very lightly browned. Remove to a side dish.
3.  Dry the chicken thoroughly. Brown it in the hot fat in the casserole.
4.  Season the chicken. Return the bacon to the casserole with the chicken. Cover and cook slowly for 10 minutes, turning the chicken once.
5.  Uncover, and pour in the cognac. Averting your face, ignite the cognac with a lighted match. Shake the casserole back and forth for several seconds until the flames subside.
6.  Pour the wine into the casserole. Add just enough stock or bouillon to cover the chicken. Stir in the tomato paste, garlic and herbs. Bring to the simmer. Cover and simmer slowly for 25 to 30 minutes, or until the chicken is tender and its juices run a clear yellow when the meat is pricked with a fork. Remove the chicken to a side dish.
7.  While the chicken is cooking, prepare the onions and mushrooms (recipe follows).
8.  Simmer the chicken cooking liquid in the casserole for a minute or two, skimming off the fat. Then raise the heat and boil rapidly, reducing the liquid to about 2 1/4 cups. Correct seasoning. Remove from heat and discard bay leaf.
9.  Blend the butter and flour together into a smooth paste (buerre manie). Beat the paste into the hot liquid with a wire whip. Bring to the simmer, stirring, and simmer for a minute or two. The sauce should be thick enough to coat a spoon lightly.
10. Arrange the chicken in the casserole, place the mushrooms and onions around it and baste with the sauce. If this dish is not to be served immediately, film the top of the sauce with stock or dot with small pieces of butter. Set aside uncovered. It can now wait indefinitely.
11. Shortly before serving, bring to the simmer, basting the chicken with the sauce. Cover and simmer slowly for 4 to 5 minutes, until the chicken is hot enough.
12. Sever from the casserole, or arrange on a hot platter. Decorate with spring for parsley.
For 18 to 24 peeled white onions about 1 inch in diameter:
1 1/2 tablespoons butter
1 1/2 tablespoons oil
A 9- to 10-inch enameled skillet
1/2 cup of brown stock, canned beef bouillon, dry white wine, red wine or water
Salt and pepper to taste
A medium herb bouquet: 3 parsley springs, 1/2 bay leaf, and 1/4 teaspoon thyme tied in cheesecloth
A 10-inch enameled skillet
1 tablespoon oil
1/2 pound fresh mushrooms, washed, well dried, left whole if small, sliced or quartered if large
1 to 2 tablespoons minced shallots or green onions (optional)