Note that most of the cells in our original count tables will be zero.
Most of the time our bigram model assigns probability zero
to a potential following word:
basic idea
We add one to every cell of
this table
We get this table
We recompute our our total occurrences:
I 3437 +1616 =5053
want 1215 + 1616 = 2931
to 3256 + 1616 = 4872
eat 938 + 1616 = 2554
Chinese 213 + 1616 = 1829
food 1506 + 1616 = 3122
lunch 459 + 1616 = 2075
Now we recompute the probabilities:
- P(wn | wn-1) =
|wn-1wn| ÷ |wn |
- P(food | want) = |want to| ÷ |want| = 1 ÷ 2931 = .0003
- P(to | want) = |want to| ÷ |want| = 787 ÷ 2931 = .27
This gives us this bigram probability table.
Compare this one.
Some things to notice:
- The events that used to be zeroes don't all have the same probability.
- All the events in the same row that were zeros in the old model get
the same probability in the new model.
- ALL the non-zero probabilities went down.
- Sometimes the change doesn't look very large
- P(eat | I)[.0038 -> .0028]
- P(I | to)[.00092 -> .00082]
- Some very predictable events became less predictable:
- P(to|want)[.65-> .22]
- P(food|Chinese) [.56 -> .066]
- Other probabilities changed by large factors.
- P(lunch|Chinese) [.0047 -> .0011]
- P(food|want) [.0066 -> .0032]
- Likelihood ratios changed
- old model: P(I|lunch) = 4 * P(food|lunch)
- new model: P(I|lunch) = 2.5 * P(food|lunch)
Conclusion: Increasing the zero
probabilities from zero to a small number was good,
but the effect on the non-zero probabilities
was not always good. We're blurring our original model.
(So smoothing is not a bad name for what we're
doing; just remember it affects all the probabilities.)
- Perhaps we've assigned too much probability to the zeros,
with the result that sharply predictable events [P(to|want)] became much
less so, and some moderately rare events became very rare.
- Perhaps we would like a model that changes the existing model less, but still steals
away some probability to assign to the zero events.
What went
If we're going to assign the probability to zero-events, the
probabilities of others has to go down.
Why? Because the probability of all the possible events we're looking
at must add up to 1.
Take the case of want:
- Count before smoothing: 1215
- Count after smoothing: 1215 + 1616 = 2931
- Number of word types not seen to follow want (estimating):
Top 4 words (to, a, some, Thai)
= .75 of the probability mass
tokens not in top 4 = 304
(.25 * 1215)
a minimum of 1308 (1612 - 304) words never-before seen
to follow want
- This means that, in the model, following want,
almost half of the probability mass is
reserved for unseen events, 1308 events each
of which has the probability 1/1308.
- 1308 ÷ 2931 = .45
- Which means the probability of all the previously seen
words has to go down precipitously (1.0 -> .55)
It's easy to see what the extreme case would be.
Consider the word Francisco (capitalized) and suppose p(Francisco| San) = .5.
and suppose but that
San was a much rarer word than want, say, with count 100.
We'd still have pretty good evidence that
Francisco was extremely likely after San. Our
initial model would assign probability .5.
What would happen with add-one smoothing?
- Count of San before smoothing: 100
- Count after smoothing: 100 + 1616 [Vocab size!] = 1716
- Min number of word types not seen to follow San: 1616 - 50 = 1566
- Min probability for unseen events: 1566 / 1716 = .91
- Francisco took half the probability for seen events
in the original model (.5). Now after smoothing
p(Francisco| San) = 50/1716 = .03
Witten Bell
The Idea
Key idea; Some words are promiscuous (they
occur with a wide variety of words
relative to their frequency).
Some are faithful: They occur with a very
small number of
words given their frequency.
Our fictional example
of Francisco was a maximally
faithful word. 50 occurrences
all followed by the the same word San.
Key Idea: Find a way of measuring
word promiscuity. Relativize the amount
of probability mass a word receives for zero's
to how promiscuous it is.
The more promiscuous a word is,
the more word
probability mass it receives
for following zeroes (the more
it is that we havent seen all the words
that can follow it
in any given corpus).
Probability of
a new event
How likely is it that tyhe next word we see will be a word we've never seen
- in the corpus as a whole?
- In a sub-corpus? [following the word San or (want)]
Probability of seeing a new type:
T ÷ (N + T)
T is the number of observed types.
N is the number of words in (sub-)corpus:
N + T = the number of words plus the number of types
Corpus viewed as a set of N + T events.
For any corpus (sub-corpus), we will use
T ÷ (N + T)
as our estimate of how much probability
mass to reserve for zeros.
if we divided this equally, anmd there
are Z zero ngrams: each 0 ngram would
get this much
T ÷ (Z*(N + T))
Looking at sub-corpus (for example, the words following San) we compute the probability of
seeing a new
type following the word San.
This becomes our promiscuity measure.
T(San) ÷ (N(San) + T(San))
The number of word types following San (T(San)) divided by the sum of the
number of word tokens following San (= c(San), the count of San) and the
number types
following San. Suppose we had an absolutely faithful word.
Maybe devein was always followed by shrimp in our corpus.
And suppose we had 100 tokens of devein.
What is the above quantity?
Total prob mass reserved for devein = 1 ÷ (100 + 1)
How about a maximally promiscuous word with the same frequency:
Total prob mass reserved for want = 100 ÷ (100 + 100)
Lets use Z(w) for the count of the words
NOT seen to follow w. Then our
new conditional
probability for an unseen
word has to be divided among those Z words:
prob(w'|w) = T(w) ÷ (Z(w)(N(w) + T(w)))
where w' has never been seen to follow w
The tricky thing thing that each probability
for a seen bigram has to get reduced by
the right amount to make everything add up to 1:
p(w'|w)= c(ww') ÷ (c(w) + T(w))
where w' has never been seen to follow w
(c(ww') is bigger than 0).
The bigram counts will add up to c(w) (=N(w)).
So the total probability mass for SEEN
bigrams following w will be:
N(w) ÷ (N(w) + T(w))
leaving us:
T(w) ÷ (N(w) + T(w))
for the unseen bigrams. And this agrees
with the amount we decided to reserve for
Berkeley Restaurant example revisited:
smoothed bigram counts.
bigram counts.
smoothed bigram counts.
Smoothed counts: Multiply smoothed probabilities
by corpus size N.